How the Gym Makes you a Better Stranger

It’s no secret that I love the gym. Yes, there are times where it’s really hard to go; I’m not in the mood, I’m sore, or sitting on the couch watching a movie with my puppy sounds waaay better 🫠

BUT! After enough excuses, my progress starts to decline and I know I need to be more consistent.

I could go on and on about how beneficial exercise is for you, but you already know all those reasons right? 😜

The one reason I never thought about until recently was that going to the gym actually makes you a better stranger to others.

Think about it:

  1. You lift weight

  2. You feel more confident

  3. You look better

  4. You perform better mentally; you make decisions quickly and effectively

  5. You become more satisfied with yourself and your life

  6. You start to stand out in a crowd

  7. People begin to notice you more and they want to interact with you

  8. You become a better stranger

Now, obviously it helps if you’re exceptional short and cute (such as yours truly), but it’s definitely another benefit to exercising that I’d never thought about before; and maybe one that makes you a better human overall.

Just some food for thought. What do you think?


With love, 

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